So, as the years go by, we rely more and more on social media for our news and ways of communication between family members and friends. Couples, friends, mothers, fathers, grandparents, co-workers, literally everyone you know now uses social media. Well, almost everyone. There are those few that don't and honestly, I applaude them! It's become tedious and tiresome. Always posting, sharing, clicking. I swear we will all die with a cellphone in our hand but that is just how the new aged generations work. The generation before the millennials made us this way. Then, of course you get Facebook constantly shutting down accounts for stupid shit. Take my friend Tayler for example, just in the last three months, I think her account has been shut down somewhere between 2-5 times. Anything from, she cannot like posts to shut down completely! It's become utterly ridiculous. I've personally even fell prey to it. God forbid you don't follow the rules. I swear, now a days if you don't conform to the hustle and bustle of today's modern ways, you'll get left in the dust with no way of ever catching up to the fast past cacophony of the digital age.
Monotony of Social Media
