So, after watching what has been going on with the Kavanaugh confirmation for the past couple of weeks, I have to say I am beyond pissed off. First off, false accusations for sexual assault should be considered a crime. Ruining a good man's life because on political party doesn't like their president is ridiculous and makes those of us that have actually been assaulted technically non-credible.
This "me too" movement has fueled the fire on what we have as a rape culture. Now more then ever there are people claiming they have been assaulted, molested, raped or abused in some way when in fact, they haven't. Those of us who survived abuse, rape and sexual assault and have turned to the system know that the system is faulty. Not all the time we are believed. I know this first hand because I had charges, and had a cop who didn't believe me. I had to drop the charges.
I don't normally get involved with politics, however, the Democratic party is unbelievably hypocritical. Some of them have lied about being in the war, are up on charges for touching others, and beating their wives. So, I personally think that people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Also, why would someone come forward over something that "supposedly" happened thirty some-odd years ago, that she can't fully remember and not report back then. It's irrelevant to anything at this point. (this comes from a rape and molestation survivor so don't jump down my throat)
These woman are being paid to ruin this man's life and it's wrong. He's always been a good man, a good judge, and has an impeccable record. There is no reason for the bullshit that is going on with his confirmation and what these women are trying to do to him. They are the reason that those of us who are actual victims never get our voices heard.