How on Earth do we keep everything balanced now a days. Between work, relationships, kids, bills, friends, there really is no end to it all. SOMETHING is always going wrong or breaking down, bills are late and people argue. When, where and how do we find the balance in our lives that make it all run smoothly? Or, well, as smoothly as humanly possible anyways.
Honestly, for those of us who are fortunate to have great spouses, like my fiance, things run great. He helps with bills, taking care of the house, grandparents and dogs. He'll listen to my meltdowns and temper tantrums when I just can't deal with it all anymore and when I need suggestions or a sounding board for my writing he is right there.
Having a great support system is key to a well balanced life. And then, there is having to balance your relationship itself. Are we spending enough time together? Is our sex life lacking? All things that we have to struggle with in our daily lives in order to find and keep the balance in our lives. Although, when things get thrown out of wack, we can really suffer for it and trying to get back on track can be tough. That's why having that proper support system is so important.
It's about balance.