So... after not looking at my website for a little while (life's gotten a bit crazy), I came on today to some rather vicious and cruel comments about myself as a writer and "my book". Here's what I don't understand why I am writing this. If you want to leave a review or a comment about someone that is fine. However, you do not need to be an asshole about it. Leave something constructive, that we can work off of or from. When people are mean and cruel all it does is hurt us and shatter our already fragile hopes that we can make it in an already tough business. I understand there are trolls and people who like to harass. Then there are those that have personal vendettas, but to drag someone down just to be cruel? That helps no one. It's pointless and just proves just how shitty of a person you actually are. I know what I am, I know I'm a good writer and that I have a good book that I worked extremely hard on. I know that I am good at my craft. If I wasn't I wouldn't have been able to create what I have. SO, to those that decided it was a good idea to try to drag me down, bugger off. I AM A WRITER!
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Sami Bonsignore
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