Do you believe in divine intervention? You know, the notion that everything happens for a reason? I do. Every good and bad event, decision, or cataclysmic episode of my life all leads down the path that those upstairs lay out for us. Nothing happens by accident. Take my fiance for example. I went through a LOT of broken hearts before I met him and then STILL had to have my heart broken before I realized how much he loved me. In all honesty, it took my dad dying and a trip to loony toon town before I was able to get sober. Nothing is a coincidence or accident. I believe in fate and those specificities that life throws at us when we aren't looking because well, why not. Take just recently, my fiance and I have been looking for a horse. I have gone to look at a few, been to the rescue etc and then the non-answered messages, the horses that just weren't right, all led me to this perfect little girl that I am so excited to welcome into our little family. Yay! I'm a horse mom. I believe my mom (who is my angel in heaven) pointed me in her direction ON PURPOSE! Although, it all depends on how we are raised and brought up. We all have different beliefs. Like I said, Divine Intervention.
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Sami Bonsignore
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