So we have all had, at some point in our lives, friends that have become family, or that we have treated like family. Something we never expect though, is that, said "family" turns on us or leaves us. When this happens we often don't even realize it or it hurts us so deep it leaves scars and wounds so big we don't understand them. Recently, this has happened to me and this one has hurt deep. I have had it happen numerous times in my life, whether it was blood or not, but this time it was different. This person was like an adoptive mother to me and there is just so much that I just can't explain here.
Then we have our family that just drifts away over time and we don't even realize it, until one day something funny, sad, or important comes along and....they're not there. That is typically when it hits us the most, well at least for me it does. Sometimes, losing family this way can hurt worse then a family member dying. I think it's because when they're alive, it's a concious act and there is a thought process behind it.
Losing familly is never easy, no matter which way it happens. I hope that not everyone has to go through what I have, and that when they gain family from friends, they are able to hold on to them tightly. Much love y'all.